Sunday, 26 October 2014

Our Term Four learning goals

After looking at our "checkpoint" results at the end of last term we have set ourselves some goals for learning. We made videos so we could share them with you all.


Monday, 20 October 2014

This time we used our knowledge of place value for Subtraction!

We discussed words or synonyms that mean the same as subtraction, like take-away and minus.

We learnt to separate our numbers into their place value, tens and ones.

Here are Ryan and Macy's show me's - explaining their thinking as we solve our equations!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Solving problems using our knowledge of place value!

Today we created show me's to explain our thinking as we add together two digit numbers using our knowledge of place value!

First is Katie

 Ryan solves his problem


 Next is Isabella


and Macy

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Our end of term reflections :)

At the end of term we made videos to share how we felt about our learning. We shared what we have enjoyed, what we are proud of....something that challenged us and thought about a goal for future maths learning.

 Here are our videos!