Sunday 31 August 2014

Showing our thinking by subtracting by first making ten

Jarhlia - Showing how she can subtract to ten by bridging!


 Here is Ryan explaining his thinking using the Make Ten subtraction strategy. Can you give him any tips to improve?

Monday 25 August 2014

Jayden explains his thinking!

Here is Jayden with two examples from Set C of our practice questions! 

Can you see how he is getting better at explaining his thinking! Kapai Jayden!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Making Tens Subtraction - using i pad app

This week we have been learning how to subtract, take away or minus numbers using our making tens first strategy. Here is our strategy card we used to help us.

We also used the "number frames" app to help us explain and show our thinking.  We could see our tens frames so we could work out how many to take away.  Also using equipment like tens frames helps us understand what we are doing when we take something away. 

Here are photos of our achievements!!

Saturday 16 August 2014

Making Ten

The latest strategy we have been learning to help us solve problems is making ten and then adding on the rest.

Here is our strategy card we used to help us explain our thinking and to learn this strategy.

Here is Lydia explaining her Making Tens thinking...

Jayden shares his thinking when using the making ten strategy.


Using doubles

Over the last week we have been learning how to use our knowledge of doubles to help us solve maths problems.

Here is the Strategy Card we used to help us.

Here is Ryan explaining how he uses this strategy to solve a problem.

Here are two more examples the first  from Macy and the second from Katie.

Finally Jarhlia shows her strategy!